About Us
We started with the idea of being a destination. A "Third Place". Somewhere you can go when you're not at home or work. A place for people to gather and share. A place to come and bring the kids. This is the reason for the coffee nook and the comfortable chairs and, truth be told, our feline mascot, Atticus. We want to be the place you go just because you want to be there. We encourage groups to use the store as a meeting place, and welcome clubs of all interests and groups of folks that just want to hang out.
The second absolute is we insist on being an asset to Nacogdoches. We want to be a business that serves the city and its people. We want to do the things that need to be done in Downtown Nacogdoches. We hope to become a big enough deal to financially support great causes in our great city. Do we need to pay off the bills first? Of course, we do. But we have always been a middle-class family and we don't need to get rich from the store. Whatever there is, after paying bills, salaries, and a reasonable reserve will always go back into Nacogdoches. We try hard to do business with other local businesses and we support the Chamber and the Downtown Association and Christ Church.
When we started talking about a used bookstore, almost the first thing we decided was that we would make sure we didn't try to muscle in on somebody else's clientele. There were already a few bookstores in town, and we wanted to have our own niche that didn't intrude on anyone else's territory. This is one of the reasons we decided to go used and to have a buy and sell process. It was a model no one else in town had. We have delayed bringing new stock and current best sellers in so that we didn't get into direct competition with the neighbors. The truth is, we don't carry ANY new stock that anyone else in town carries. If we find out, we do we will pull it off the shelves.
Another thing we always want to do is to support local craftsmen and artisans. This is the reason for the consignment program and the fact that we collaborate with our vendors on a percentage of revenue basis rather than a flat rate model. We, as we have said, must pay the bills. But so do they. So, we provide space and promotion, and we manage sales tax collection and payment and cover the costs associated with the POS system. Please buy their wonderful arts, crafts, and products. These are hard-working American neighbors of yours and the money you spend stays in Nacogdoches. It supports families you know and helps feed and clothe kids your kids know.
When you need a book -- or several -- or a gift, we want you to think of us as at least one of the places you feel good about shopping for those things. And if you just need to be somewhere warm (or cool, as the season dictates) and bright that has friendly faces and a lovable cat, we're here for that, too.
So that's it. That's why we do what we do. To be a part of this wonderful, crazy, homey, small town called Nacogdoches.
About the Staff
Wendie, Proprietor
Wendie has always loved books, but only recently discovered that reading books and buying them are two completely different hobbies. She makes sure to feed both habits regularly. So, when she and her husband Robert moved to Nacogdoches in 2021, right after locating a grocery store and church, she went searching for a used bookstore. She found a couple wonderful second-hand stores that offered nice books, but there wasn’t a store dedicated specifically to used books. Dead Tree Dreams is here to fill that open niche and satisfy Wendie's need to be in the company of books, as well as fellow book hoarders, or maybe, gatherers.
Robert Sr., Chief of Operations
Robert Sr. has had two other successful business ventures in the past, so therefore is the primary executive of the group. It's his job to deal with the lawyers, bankers, and accountants who are behind-the-scenes making this happen. He has spent the last 35 years in the transportation industry and is still employed full-time as a Manager of Recruiting in that company. Having been a driver for 25 years, he's had plenty of time to read and listen to audio books, and is a diehard fan of vintage Science Fiction. He will tell you trucking stories punctuated by the sounds of "Deathlands" audio books in the background. Robert Sr. is the reason our coffee is free; come by and share a cup with us!
Ashley, Employee
Ashley's AuraAshley is the founder and creator behind Ashley's Aura. She lives here in Nacogdoches with her fiancé, son, and many cats. If you have any questions about horror or mystery books, she's your go-to girl! Aside from small business owner, parttime bookseller and Fredonia Shop associate, she's also an avid book lover, collector, and artist! Come check out Ashley's amazing handmade jewelry, crystals and other creative items, or come see her in the store every Wednesday!

Atticus, Mascot
Atticus has taken on many roles since he was hired at Dead Tree Dreams. From store mascot, to door greeter, coffee bar manager and emotional support cat. He is always around to lend a helping hand, or settle down in your lap for a cat nap! Atticus was rescued from his previous career as a stray, to be the official bookstore cat.